Thursday, September 22, 2016

Phil’s Confidence is Back and Thriving Thanks to Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™

All public figures have two things in common: pride and confidence in their physical appearance. Phil is a successful, hard working, elected county official in Indiana who wanted his appearance to reflect his inner confidence.  After a consultation with PAI Medical Group Indiana, Phil decided to take the next step toward achieving the appearance he had wanted for himself.

Patients naturally have concerns before a big procedure. PAI addressed all of Phil's worries he might have had before his hair transplant. Phil said, “I was completely self-assured prior to that [the procedure]. PAI had done their homework and assured me things would be fine. I had no second thoughts whatsoever.”

Phil chose the Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™ hair transplant option, a method that uses advanced hair transplant technology to perform hair transplants. It is also a trademarked procedure by PAI. Some of the benefits of this method include maximized hair per volume and natural looking results all at a cost-friendly price. This means more hair in one procedure. Phil loved these advantages, “I rate it [the hair transplant] five stars.”

Patients may have pain concerns about their hair transplant procedure, but there is virtually no pain. Phil was highly impressed at the lack of pain during and after his procedure. He felt “absolutely no pain during the procedure, nor afterward.” This is in part to the sophisticated technology that has replaced the hair plug days of old.

What sets PAI apart from its competitors? PAI truly cares about its patients. “PAI does a thorough job with customer relations.” said Phil. He felt completely comfortable with PAI and was reassured by PAI’s staff and their top-notch quality care for their patients.

One key takeaway Phil wants everyone who is considering hair transplants to know: “Please give PAI a phone call and at least go through the consultation. You’ll be glad you did.” PAI offers free in-person or virtual consultations with our experts to help you figure out the best hair transplant method for your needs and desires.

Phil’s results could give anyone the confidence to contact PAI and figure out why MUHG™ is the right option. Then those people could also be able to say, “It gave me a level of self-confidence I had lost over the years,” just like Phil.

To watch Phil’s full testimonial video click here.

At PAI Medical Group Indiana, we will work with you from your first consultation to months after your procedure to make sure you’re receiving the best care and seeing the results you want. We understand that each person’s hair loss situation is unique. Our team of highly trained hair restoration technicians and surgeons, using their years of experience in the field, will work directly with you to find the hair restoration solution that’s best for you. We also offer several non-surgical hair restoration solutions and the ARTAS® Robotic FUE Hair Transplant. To schedule your FREE consultation call 317-522-5129 and find out how we can help you with your hair loss today! For more information visit our website

PAI Medical Group of Indiana - A Leader in Permanent and Natural Hair Restoration

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PAI Medical Group has offered the “Gold Standard” in permanent and natural hair restoration and hair transplants for over 30 years.  Only at PAI Medical Group of Indiana will you find our trademarked procedure Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™ and the newest technology in FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), The ARTAS® Robotic System, a breakthrough in Robotic Hair Transplantation. We offer FREE private evaluations, as well as online and virtual consultations. We can review the costs, low monthly payments and financing. Many of our highly trained and educated hair restoration professionals have been through hair restoration themselves. They will help determine the best treatment plan for your type of hair loss and answer all of your questions. Call today at 1-888-PAI-5129 or visit to book a FREE PRIVATE EVALUATION.  Our office is located at 3500 DePauw Blvd, Suite 3090, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Permanent Natural Results are a phone call or click away.

Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.

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