Friday, March 27, 2015

The PAI Medical Group of Indiana Multi-Unit Hair Grafting Transplant Procedure

With a variety of hair loss solutions out there, it may be difficult to pinpoint which procedure is best for your personal hair loss needs. That's where PAI comes in. At PAI Medical Group of Indiana, you'll have the opportunity to meet with a professional hair loss specialist to determine if you are a candidate for our state-of-the-art Multi-Unit Hair Grafting Procedure. Schedule your FREE hair and scalp analysis today to learn more about the latest technology in hair transplantation.

The typical hair transplant procedure requires 3-5 hours to complete, and may require anesthetic gas to help them relax and in most cases sleep. PAI MedicalGroup of Indiana's trademarked procedure, Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™, is a safe and effective hair loss treatment that will restore your hair to a natural appearance.

During the transplantation process, thousands of hairs are moved from your donor site to the area experiencing hair loss. Usually the back side of the head is an abundant area of permanent hair. The Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™ procedure allows for the transplantation of up to three times the amount of hair in a single session. Using this procedure, PAI reduces cost, recovery time and the number of sessions required to see results.

Since the follicles of the donor hair are healthy, they will grow and thrive in the recipient areas where you are experiencing hair loss. The doctors create a natural hairline that is both age and gender specific, and matches your unique needs. The hairs are randomly selected from the donor area, resulting in less density that many say is not noticeable. However, the donor hair will regrow in the months following the procedure.

Activity should be restricted during the first 24 hours after the procedure. Physically demanding activities, such as sports, should be limited for about a week. There are no bandages required post procedure but you will experience tender skin, “pinkness”, and some minor scabbing about a week after the procedure.

In about 4-6 weeks the graft hairs will fall out, but the follicles will remain. Approximately 3-5 months after your procedure, you should expect to see new hair appearing and growing at a normal rate. This will be your permanent and lasting hair. To ensure the best results, it is recommended that you consider the follow-up program that PAI offers. During the follow-ups, the professionals at PAI will monitor and analyze scalp health and hair growth. Scheduled follow-up visits will include the day after your procedure, 10-days, 4-months and 12-months after the procedure. During this time, their staff will also check in with you by phone, letter and e-mail to ensure you're completely satisfied with your experience and results. What are you waiting for? Regrow your hair today with the help of PAI Medical Group of Indiana! Visit to schedule a FREE consultation today.
            If you are unsure why you are experiencing any hair loss, call us at (888) 724-5129 to schedule a free consultation or visit us at

PAI Medical Group of Indiana - A Leader in Permanent and Natural Hair Restoration

At PAI Medical of Indiana, we understand the impact that losing your hair has on you and your confidence. Not all hair transplants are created equal. People visit us from all over the world because PAI Medical stands apart as the gold standard for hair restoration, thanks to our unique, trademarked Multi-Unit Hair Grafting ™ procedure and dedicated medical professionals that provide safe, effective hair loss treatment.

PAI Medical Group has offered the “Gold Standard” in permanent and natural hair restoration and hair transplants for over 30 years.  Only at PAI Medical Group of Indiana will you find our trademarked procedure Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™ and the newest technology in FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), The ARTAS®, a breakthrough in Robotic Hair Transplantation. We offer FREE private evaluations, as well as online and virtual consultations. We can review the costs, low monthly payments and financing. Many of our highly trained and educated hair restoration professionals have been through hair restoration themselves. They will help determine the best treatment plan for your type of hair loss and answer all of your questions. Call today at 1-888-PAI-5129 or visit  to book a FREE PRIVATE EVALUATION.  Our office is located at 3500 DePauw Blvd, Suite 3090, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Permanent Natural Results are a phone call or click away.

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