Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Genetics of Hair Loss

Studies show that genetics are the cause for most cases of hair loss. In fact, it's been estimated that more than 80% of cases of male pattern baldness are hereditary. Many tend to believe that male pattern baldness is associated with genes on the mother's side of the family, but this is not entirely true.

There are key genes that come from the maternal grandfather. However, these genes are not the only cause of hair loss. Statistics show that if your father or maternal grandfather is bald, you are more likely to develop male pattern baldness as well. This condition affects women too; however, it is much more likely to occur in men.

It is now known that genetic hair loss can originate from both sides of the family. It is also known that a combination of genes can be responsible, compared to just a single gene. In addition, just because a person carries a gene for male pattern baldness, this does not always mean the gene will express itself.

Different studies have linked various genes with male pattern baldness. Yet, the most prominent cause for male pattern baldness is a variation in the androgen receptor gene. This gene variant was found more often in men who were prematurely balding than men with a full head of hair. Both men and women can lose hair due to changes in the metabolism of androgen, a natural hormone (such as testosterone). The variation in the androgen receptor gene appears to increase androgens' effects, thus leading to hair loss. Excess androgen can lead to excess hair on the body, yet hair loss on the scalp.

Although, numerous genes have been found to cause hair loss, there are many other non-genetic factors, such as stress or medication, that can cause hair to fall out. Also, even if your maternal grandfather has a full head of hair, there's still a good chance you might start to lose your hair one day. If that day ever comes, keep your mind at ease knowing that there are many permanent and natural hair restoration solutions available.

The best solution to preventing hair loss is an early diagnosis by a team of hair loss professionals such as PAI. Improved results may occur when hair loss is medically treated in its earliest stages. Some hair restoration solutions include hair transplants, non-surgical medications, and low level laser hair therapy.

Visit today to schedule a FREE hair and scalp evaluation!

If you are unsure why you are experiencing any hair loss, call us at (888) 724-5129 to schedule a free consultation or visit us at

PAI Medical Group of Indiana - A Leader in Permanent and Natural Hair Restoration

PAI Medical Group has offered the “Gold Standard” in permanent and natural hair restoration and hair transplants for over 30 years.  Only at PAI Medical Group of Indiana will you find our trademarked procedure Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™ and the newest technology in FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), The ARTAS® Robotic System, a breakthrough in Robotic Hair Transplantation. We offer FREE private evaluations, as well as online and virtual consultations. We can review the costs, low monthly payments and financing. Many of our highly trained and educated hair restoration professionals have been through hair restoration themselves. They will help determine the best treatment plan for your type of hair loss and answer all of your questions. Call today at 1-888-PAI-5129 or visit  to book a FREE PRIVATE EVALUATION.  Our office is located at 3500 DePauw Blvd, Suite 3090, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Permanent Natural Results are a phone call or click away.

1 comment:

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