Friday, October 23, 2015

Female Hair Loss Solutions

 A common misconception with female hair loss is that women experiencing hair loss is rather rare, when in fact, that is patently false. While hair loss in men is often the result of genetics in addition to age, with women, hair loss can happen at any time. Women experiencing loss, commonly referred to as pattern balding, tend to see thinning across the entire scalp rather than on the top of the head, as characterized by male pattern baldness. But, much like men suffering from hair loss or pattern baldness, women too can undergo surgical hair transplantation to restore their lost hair naturally at PAI.

In most cases the pattern of baldness common to women is called diffuse baldness. This type of baldness occurs over the entire scalp. Diffuse hair loss can be caused by a number of factors other than genetic disposition.

While diffuse hair loss is most often hereditary, it can also be caused by medical conditions such as:
Obstetric and gynecological conditions (post-partum and post-menopausal states or ovarian tumors)
Thyroid disease
Connective tissue diseases (Lupus)
Nutritional causes
Stress from surgical procedures, general anesthesia or severe emotional problems

Women with diffuse hair loss are typically treated best medically, with laser therapy or a similar option. Those experiencing diffuse hair loss might not have a suitable donor area from which to harvest hairs during transplant surgery. On the other hand, some women do experience pattern baldness that is most common in men. Women with this type of hair loss may be good candidates for hair transplant surgery.

As part of our female hair transplant procedure at PAI Medical Group of Indiana, we include a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause of hair loss.

PAI Medical Group’s trademarked procedure, Multi-Unit Hair Grafting, can be used for both men and women who are experiencing hair loss. While not all females suffering from hair loss are candidates for hair transplantation, with new harvesting techniques and our unique process for treating female hair loss, the number of female patients we treat for hair loss is increasing each year.
Find out which solution you are a candidate for by scheduling your FREE Hair and Scalp Analysis at PAI Medical Group of Indiana today!

If you are unsure why you are experiencing any hair loss, call us at 
1- (888) 724-5129 to schedule a free consultation or visit us at

PAI Medical Group of Indiana - A Leader in Permanent and Natural Hair Restoration

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PAI Medical Group has offered the “Gold Standard” in permanent and natural hair restoration and hair transplants for over 30 years.  Only at PAI Medical Group of Indiana will you find our trademarked procedure Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™ and the newest technology in FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), The ARTAS® Robotic System, a breakthrough in Robotic Hair Transplantation. We offer FREE private evaluations, as well as online and virtual consultations. We can review the costs, low monthly payments and financing. Many of our highly trained and educated hair restoration professionals have been through hair restoration themselves. They will help determine the best treatment plan for your type of hair loss and answer all of your questions. Call today at 1-888-PAI-5129 or visit  to book a FREE PRIVATE EVALUATION.  Our office is located at 3500 DePauw Blvd, Suite 3090, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Permanent Natural Results are a phone call or click away.

Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.



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