Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Hair Loss Education

If you are losing your hair, it can be an intimidating process looking at all of the different causes and treatment options. At PAI Medical Group, we want to make the process as simple as possible, and believe it is important to get educated about different reasons for hair loss and options available to you. PAI Medical Group will be here to help you every step of the way!

Causes of Hair Loss

Genetics- Hereditary hair loss is the most common form of hair loss, especially in men. Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness/female pattern baldness is caused by genetically predisposed hair follicles. Your individual genetic makeup that can come from either side of the family is the core contributor that leads to an interruption in normal hair growth.

Hormones- The two hormones that can contribute to hair loss in both genders are testosterone and dyhydrotestosterone (DHT).

Time- Simply, with age comes a higher risk of hair loss. Aging and naturally thinning hair are intertwined in many ways, and the reality of advancing age means many people will eventually see signs of thinning hair.

Physical Stress- Tension on the hair can also lead to permanent hair loss. This particular hair loss is directly tied to prolonged tension of the hair – cornrows, tight braiding, hair extensions, etc. – and can lead to long-term hair loss more often than people realize.

Psychological Effects of Hair Loss
Loss of hair can affect more than just your appearance, but how you feel internally. Psychological effects of hair loss are common in both men and women. Studies have shown that hair loss can invoke emotional trauma, stress and anxiety. It’s important to know that you don’t have to just accept your thinning hair, instead, speak to a hair loss expert at PAI.

In addition to the psychological responses to hair loss, many patients are sincerely worried about their appearance and overall attractiveness. It’s not uncommon for both men and women to admit that their hair loss affects them both personally and professionally, an altogether unpleasant psychological occurrence directly attributed to deflated self-esteem.

More and more people are beginning to take control of their thinning hair by choosing hair restoration treatments. A thorough, professional consultation is your best option for restoring lost or thinning hair.

At PAI Medical Group of Indiana, we take great pride in walking each of our potential patients through the entire hair restoration process. Call us at 1- (888) 724-5129 to schedule your free consultation and be on your way to a healthier, fuller head of hair.

If you are unsure why you are experiencing any hair loss, call us at 
1- (888) 724-5129 to schedule a free consultation or visit us at

PAI Medical Group of Indiana - A Leader in Permanent and Natural Hair Restoration

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PAI Medical Group has offered the “Gold Standard” in permanent and natural hair restoration and hair transplants for over 30 years.  Only at PAI Medical Group of Indiana will you find our trademarked procedure Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™ and the newest technology in FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), The ARTAS® Robotic System, a breakthrough in Robotic Hair Transplantation. We offer FREE private evaluations, as well as online and virtual consultations. We can review the costs, low monthly payments and financing. Many of our highly trained and educated hair restoration professionals have been through hair restoration themselves. They will help determine the best treatment plan for your type of hair loss and answer all of your questions. Call today at 1-888-PAI-5129 or visit  to book a FREE PRIVATE EVALUATION.  Our office is located at 3500 DePauw Blvd, Suite 3090, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Permanent Natural Results are a phone call or click away.

Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.

1 comment:

  1. This is really Good Informational Blog regarding the hair loss problem. Today's most of the people had
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